Agenda for the Conservation meeting of 2010-02-15 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks

(To add to, or comment on this agenda, email Jim on
. This and previous agendas and minutes can be found at

a.    Welcome to members, new members, and visitors
b.    To register Apologies.
c.    Acceptance or amendment of the Minutes of the previous meeting.
  1. Report on the "You Choose" meeting in the Gatty Hall on 30th January, to review grant applications.
  2. Discussion on how we maintain "Lady Croft Meadow" on St. Marys Green.
  3. Actions taken following the sale of the old Methodist Church.
  4. Replacement of the pinnacle on the William Jeffcock Memorial.
  5. Possible projects listed in the last minutes, including re-erecting boundary stones / village green / stocks / stile / wall opposite the Stocks
x.   Discussion on any new planning applications (See below).
y.   Any other business.
z.   Date of the next meeting.

Emails received on etc.

Information watch

New Planning Applications

Application Ref. Date Received Date Validated                                Address                                                                                                                        Proposal                            

09/02306/FUL 20/07/2009 02/02/2010 78 Scholes View Sheffield S35 9UP Single-storey rear extension to dwellinghouse including conservatory (Amended plans received 02.02.2... Pending Consideration

10/00241/COND 29/01/2010 29/01/2010 The Car Cleaning Company Ltd 45 Ecclesfield Road Chapeltown Sheffield S35 1TD Application to approve details in relation to condition numbers 3. Customer parking, staff parking a...                    
Pending Consideration

10/00082/FUL 11/01/2010 18/01/2010 108 Ecclesfield Road Chapeltown Sheffield S35 1TE Erection of dormer window on Granny Flat                                                 
Pending Consideration

(The above were all validated from 30/12/2009 to 15/02/2010)
To see the documents, click on, Search, enter the application refernce, then "Click to view" arrow, then "Associated Documents > View associated documents".

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