Agenda for the Conservation meeting of 2011-02-21 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks

("AGM" in the title was deleted on 2011-04-19. This and previous agendas and minutes can be found at

a.    Welcome to members, new members, and visitors.
b.    To register Apologies.
c.    Acceptance or amendments to the Minutes of the previous meeting.

  1. Discussion of traffic problems, following our traffic survey results, the draft publication of proposals for The Wheel (See below), and EPC's support of additional traffic control measures (See below).
  2. Discussion of the Heritage Board and ideas for funding it (For example, grants from the JG Graves Charitable Trust below).
x.   Discussion on new planning applications (See "Planning Applications" below).

y.   Any other business.
z.   Date of the next meeting.

Emails received (E.g. on ).

Information watch

Planning Applications

Date Received
Date Validated
     -----------Proposal----------      ----Status-----

11/00106/FUL 11/01/2011 28/01/2011 Land Adjacent To Electricity Substation Loicher Lane Sheffield S35 9YR Erection of plant to provide back up electricity generation for existing substation Pending Consideration
11/00171/FUL 24/01/2011 26/01/2011 107 Town End Road Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9YX Two-storey rear extension and single-storey side/rear extension to dwellinghouse including garage Pending Consideration
11/00249/TEL 25/01/2011 25/01/2011 Yew Lane Near To 143 Yew Lane Sheffield S5 9AL Siting of 15 metre high telecommunications monopole and associated equipment cabinets (Application f... Pending Consideration
10/03508/COND 19/10/2010 20/12/2010 Land Adjacent 4 St Wandrille's Close Sheffield S35 9YP Application to approve details in relation to condition numbers: 4. Car parking accommodation; 5. In... Pending Consideration

(All found using Ward = East Ecclesfield, Parish = Ecclesfield Parish Council, Validated from 17/12/2010 to 19/02/2011 )

11/00106/FUL has an expiry date of 22/01/2011, and is for 8kVA and mentions modern diesel engines with catalytic converters, (not refurbished old ones).

To see the documents, click on, Search, enter the Application Reference, then "Click to view" arrow, then "Associated Documents > View associated documents".

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