Agenda for the Conservation meeting of 2011-03-21 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks

(This agenda was last edited on 2011-04-19 when AGM was deleted from the title. This and previous agendas and minutes can be found at

a.    Welcome to members, new members, and visitors.
b.    To register Apologies.
c.    Acceptance or amendments to the Minutes of the previous meeting.

  1. Election of a new Chairman, following Keith's comments of the difficulties in him representing both the Bloom and Conservation Groups.
  2. Discussion of traffic problems, following our traffic survey results, the draft publication of proposals for The Wheel, the EPC's support of additional traffic control measures, and our petition to Sheffield City Council.
  3. Discussion of the Heritage Board and ideas for funding it.
x.   Discussion on new planning applications (See "Planning Applications" below).

y.   Any other business.
z.   Date of the next meeting.

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Information watch

Planning Applications

Date Received
Date Validated
     -----------Proposal----------      ----Status-----

11/00823/FUL07/03/201115/03/2011Bradburys Haulage 68A Yew Lane Sheffield S5 9AN Erection of garage/workshop for repair and maintenance of haulage vehiclesPending Consideration

(All found using Ward = East Ecclesfield, Parish = Ecclesfield Parish Council, Validated from 29/01/2011 to 20/03/2011 )
Details of  11/00823/FUL can be found here
To see the documents, click on, Search, enter the Application Reference, then "Click to view" arrow, then "Associated Documents > View associated documents".

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