[Version 2016-04-26 by JP.]

Agenda for the Conservation meeting of
2016-04-26 at 19:00 in The Stocks

A.    Chair: Ian Deans

B.    Attendance and Apologies:

C.    Minutes (We might need to do a quick verbal summary).

D.    Agenda Items:

  1. - Parish Archive Project   Data Sub gp (JP)
                                              Project Evaluation (JP)
                                             Article in Pulse Magazine (ID)
  2.  Smithy Wood (ID)          Final Submissions 8/4
                                            Deadline 10/6
                                            Decision not before 30/6
  3. Progress with Joint Survey (JP)
  4. Potential Sheffield Heritage Strategy (ID)
  5. Insurance renewal
  6. Submission of comments on planning applications in the name of the Conservation Group (SP)


X.    Planning Applications (See the last section of this agenda).

Y.    Any questions or comments on the Communications, Information, or Issues sections below; or any other business.

Z.     Dates of next meeting [e.g. 24th May]

Notes to the Agenda Items

      5. Last year public liability and libel insurance cost £111.30. It might be slightly higher this year.

Communications Received

Information watch

The items in this section will not be gone through one by one, but can be discussed in any other business if any member wishes to bring them up.


Issues from previous minutes

If any members can help, or want to bring any of the following up for any other reason, they can do so in any other business.


*     Our archive is not back yet. The necessary updates are proving harder to get going than I expected, but are still being worked on.


*     Joint Survey see item 3 above.


*     Designs for the pop-up banners are in progress, and JP is working on the text discussed at the last meeting, and on indications from a meeting with ID on the graphics.


*      We have a fireproof trunk for storing archive material. Members might prefer a more generally accessible location if one can be found [As well as perhaps other things such as our Gazebo].


*      We still have plans to survey major trees within the Conservation Area (we have just lost two major trees from the land between St Mary’s Lane and Ecclesfield Park).


*      We are still encouraging Sheffield City Council to proceed with their project to get their alcohol licensing system on-line so that everybody can see the opening times etc. which apply to each of the premises in the area. Meanwhile, we are continuing to check their manual list of licence applications.

New planning applications

The following planning applications were found by searching for Ward = “East Ecclesfield”, Parish = Ecclesfield Parish Council”, postcodes S35 9?? and S35 1TE, validated from 26 Feb 2016 to 26 April 2016.

[The contents of brackets and italics are my interpretation - usually made after only briefly scanning the documents. Older comments on long standing applications have been deleted, but should still be available on our web site]

Previous planning applications, still pending


Previous planning applications, now decided

Alcohol Licensing