Minutes for the Conservation Group meeting in the Stocks at 7:30 on Monday 13th July

[If anybody has any comments on this new experimental minute format, just email Jim on
[Numbers and letters in square brackets refer to corresponding items in the agenda]


[a,b] Chair: Keith Fish
Treasurer: Peter Barker
Secretary: Roger Tordoff
Minutes Secretary: Jim Percival

                Russ Kelly, Lottery Funding Officer for Sheffield City Council came to talk about the funding for the Old Garage Site:
                John Brady, Chair of Ecclesfield Village Plan, came to talk about things that the Plan group was doing following their AGM.
Members: Including the above, 13 people attended the meeting, (33 currently receive emailed minutes)

Things we are doing

[z] Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Conservation Group is to be held in the Stock on Monday 10th August 2009 at 7:30 pm. [As indicated on http://ecclesfieldconservation.nfshost.com,]
[1] Litter Problem opposite TC's store. We are waiting to see whether the situation improves, and what the chances are of obtaining a new litter or dog bin.
[2] Old Garage Site We are looking into this further with Russ Kelly, and looking for volunteers and funding to enable us to taking on the site.
Ecclesfield Gala: We hope to man the joint stand at Ecclesfield Gala in the Park on 6th September. We still need prizes for the competition.

Things we have done

[7] Finger Posts: We have pestered Sheffield City Council, who have pestered the contractors, and finally managed to erect one of the two signposts outside St. Marys Church. Hopefully the other one will be completed by the Village in Bloom Judging on 21st July.
[8] Boundary Wall and Benches near St. Marys Church: Renovation of the boundary wall is now complete and the benches are now in place. There were some photographs of the boundary wall on http://ecclesfield.wikia.com/Conservation

Resolutions Passed

[c] The Minutes of the previous meeting dated 2009-06-17 were accepted as a true and accurate reflection.
[3] The writing of official "detailed" or "verbatim" minutes is to be discontinued. However it was stated that meetings remain open, and anybody can of course take notes.
[4,5] We gave permission to Ecclesfield Village Plan to copy the front page of our Internet Site to the "Conservation" box on www.ecclesfieldgroups.com
[6] We decided to promote ecclesfield.wikia.com/Conservationon our website, with the rider that we can remove the link at any time.
[Therefore, anybody who wants to circulate their views or even upload photographs to show members and other people what they have done, can edit or add to the material on http://ecclesfield.wikia.com/ConservationNote that rather than make anonymous edits, members may wish to register in such a way that their contributions can be recognised. Paragraphs etc, can even be signed, (as in the case of my "JimP" contributions). Also, some people may wish to create additional pages for things they are interested in. E.g. "Old finger posts", "Litter", "Roads", "Village green", "St Marys lane ex garage site", "Town End Road", "Priory Road", "Derelict property", or even "New conservation projects"]

Notes and Information

Jim Percival was asked whether we need to register under the data protection act, and replied that he believed that provided that we kept to certain rules, we did not need to register [Some of these rules are listed at the bottom of the "Attendance list", but members may want to propose the formal adoption of a more complete list as part of our constitution]
[Note: Since the new sites above are not yet on Google, if you cannot click on the links above, then you may have to type them into the topmost box of your browser.]