All members welcomed

1. Apologies for non attendance were received by 6 members.

2. Minutes of previous meeting 18th Jan. accepted as a true record.

3 "You Choose" meeting. We were asked to remove this from meeting as it was Ecclesfield in Bloom concern not Conservation.

4. "Ladycroft Meadow", How will this be maintained, KEF indicated this would mainly be looked after by "in Bloom" persons and their equipment.

Approach to be made to Sheffield Council to ascertain who has the responsibility of roadside boundary wall, does the license we hold cover the wall as well as land within it?

Old property alongside-Liz Bennett to be approached to see if she is willing to allow our helpers to smarten up the fascia boards covering old windows, possibly by use of graffiti artist??

BTCV, they are again to be contacted .

5. Traffic through Ecclesfield, Alan Hooper asked KEF to supply all relevant correspondence to be sent to him as the matter was coming back into view. Ian will provide KEF with material as a meeting was quickly set up via Vic Bowden with Ian Auckland for Wednesday morning.

6. New Projects - Boundary Stones, a map showing positioning of these to be located K & J to look into this.

Village [Green?], PB and KEF to delve into details and possibly report back at next meeting

Stocks on Church Surrounds, PB has approached the Rotary Club since they originally installed the original ones. Prior to any outcome from this source, KEF is to attend a Rotary Club meeting to explain who and what we are and what we have done so far. KEF to arrange this. KEF to do a rough drawing of the old stocks and approach Wentworth Sawmills for quotation, prior to attending Rotary meeting.

Wall opposite "The Stocks" pub. This requires some work to be done, JH to assess.

7. Any Other Business, New Via Fuel Plant to be kept under observation.

8. Next and Future meetings.attempt 3rd. Monday of each month. I.e....

Monday 15th. March, Monday 19th.April, Monday 17th. May, Monday 21st.June

Monday 19th. July, Monday 16th.August, Monday 20th. September, Monday 18th. October

Monday 15th November.