[These and previous minutes are
available as a web page on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com
Just click on "Minutes" for the minutes of the last meeting]
Minutes of the Conservation Group
meeting of 2010-07-19 (Monday)
19:30, downstairs in the Black Bull
and letters in square brackets refer to
corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. This version of the
minutes was
last amended on 2010-07-21]
[a] Keith Fish chaired
the meeting, and welcomed
[ ] Jim
these minutes.
[b] 13 people attended the
meeting. 4 people
sent their apologies, and 27 people currently
receive emailed minutes.
Things we are doing
Because of the holidays, the next
meeting of the
Conservation Group will be on 2010-09-20 (Monday) at 19:30 in the
KF reported that there had been less progress on Ladycroft Meadow
than usual, and that the two Payback teams were likely
to be unavailable again next week. Keith had to tell us that some of
the 30
tones of soil we purchased had been stolen. Fortunately, the keen eyes
of one of our members, and the bravery of another, enabled the
registration number
of the vehicle to be reported to the 101 crime reporting number. The
police then
identified the miscreants and obtained from them, a £6 "compensation"
for in-Bloom funds. In spite of our having possibly made a profit on
this, the meeting expressed a determination to distribute the remaining
soil, which
we hope to do this week.
Since no one managed to locate a Gazebo, that could be borrowed
for our joint stand at the Ecclesfield Gala in the Park,
we decided that PB should purchase two 3m * 3m (one of
which will be used by Bloom). [PB
says he has now ordered 2 red gazebos at a total cost of £156.47 as
these were reduced by 50% and are of considerably better quality]. PB said that he could store the gazebo,
and could provide tables, but it would be useful if some chairs could
be found for anybody who wished to sit. SH is to provide a quiz. KH
said the Council can provide display boards to advertise
in-Bloom. People are
needed to
erect and man the stand from 10:00 am on Sunday 5th September
(especially since
KF himself is not able to attend). We had been asked to display
pictures of
the Church, and this was agreed. Pictures of other historical
places would be made available in the various books that PB can
bring to sell on the stand. JP agreed to print out a version of our
constitution for
display [I've just found that our constitution
runs to 5 pages, not including our 2 pages of aims, so
I might have to present "Extracts of..." - JP].
[3] JP brought a map showing
Sheffield City Council's "Development Framework - Draft Proposals Map", and expressed an
interest in attending the meeting on 20th July at 18:00 in Chapeltown
Library. He was asked to seek a larger map to display details of the
Conservation Area at the Gala. [A map
has now been Requested - JP. There is also a report of this meeting
below - JP].
[4] It was suggested that some
mill stones might be available for purchase and engraving as boundary
markers. For large stones the main barrier was thought to be the
cost of the crane that would be needed to lift them!
[y] In our secretary's absence,
JP said that RT had replied to the email we received about the
biofuel generation plant.
Concern was expressed about the possibility of palm oil being used as a
fuel, and JP was asked to download and keep a copy of the declaration
about the fuel to be used as recorded on the planning web site.
[y] JE gave out instructions,
and an example of a traffic
survey sheet. It was agreed to discuss this further at our next
meeting when traffic patterns become more normal after the school
Things we have done
There were no new planning
However, in accordance with the decision of the last meeting, RT had
been asked to reply to an email we had received expressing concern
about the fuels that were to be burnt at the proposed new power station
on Loicher Lane. Concern was also expressed at the possible burning of
"palm oil", rather than the "rape seed oil" and
"sunflower oil", that was mentioned in the agenda, and considered
during our meeting of 2010-04-19. This meeting therefore asked JP to
record for our reference the commitments made by Rocpower during
and before the planning process. [Firstly,
I record here and have archived documents, showing that the
only fuels mentioned in the planning documents are still "rape seed oil
sunflower oil", which gives me and probably others the impression that
these are the fuels
being considered by Rocpower for the station. Secondly, I apologize to
the meeting for having erroneously said that the decision had been made.
It is in fact still listed by SCC as "pending", and comments seem to
still be
being accepted here.].
Resolutions Passed
Copies of the Minutes
the meeting of
2010-06-21 (last amended on 2010-07-06)
distributed and approved.
Other matters discussed
Notes and Information
[] The next meeting of Ecclesfield
in Bloom will be on
2010-08-03 (Tuesday) at 19:00
upstairs in the Black Bull as indicated on www.ecclesfieldinbloom.co.uk.
As suggested above, JP attended a public consultation meeting on the
Sheffield Development Framework at Chapeltown Library on 20th July. The
meeting was Chaired by Councillor Vic Bowden, and was supported by Paul
Gordon of Planning Officer Development Services. Sheffield
City Council is actively seeking comments, on their web
site, by email,
letter, or if in doubt by ringing them on 205 3075. See Map and an easy to read Key. Since there is no
Conservation meeting before the deadline for comments ends on 30th
July, I report the content of the meeting as follows...
Reasons given for people to comment included the fact that since
Regional Policy has been abolished, planning and other decisions will
largely be determined by comparing the proposed development to the new
map. This implies that if the map is wrong, the decisions are likely to
be wrong, and development could occur in the wrong places. Particular
concerns noted were...
i) The exact location of the green belt, since this is one of the
strongest planning constraints.
ii) The designation (or lack-of designation) of "Local Nature
Reserves", Ancient Monuments, and other areas of special character,
since protection of these is a new feature of the map.
iii) The importance of avoiding even a minor bad or unwelcome planning
decision, such as one which occurred last year in the Ecclesfield
Conservation Area, because of the danger that it creates a precedent.
More specific issues discussed included provisions for local
employment, including the
designation of Station Road/Nether Lane for a lighter mix of
industries, and "Smithy Wood" for heavier industries. The yellow area
which included Morrisons supermarket on "The Common"
was mentioned, and produced some concern as allowing any compatible
use. Finally, although the planning process does control "houses in
multiple occupation", it became apparent that it has difficulty
controlling any excess of flats in areas designated for housing, such
as in the centre of Ecclesfield.
Also noted was that the rejected
for 52 dwellings on Green Lane, had not been appealed as I thought, and
the houses are unlikely to be built.
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