[These and previous minutes are available as a web page on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com Just click on "Minutes" for the minutes of the last meeting]

Minutes of the Conservation Group meeting of 2010-09-20 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks

[Numbers and letters in square brackets refer to corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. This version of the minutes was last amended on 2010-09-22]


[a] Roger Tordoff Email RTwas asked to chair the meeting in KF's absence.
[ ] Jim Percival jim AT ... took these minutes.
[b] 8 people attended the meeting. Partly because the Revitalizing Ecclesfield Park and Pavilion Group were holding their meeting at the same time, 4 people sent their apologies.  27 people currently receive emailed minutes.

Things we are doing

[z] The next meeting of the Conservation Group will be on 2010-10-18 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks.
[2] SH showed us a large and impressive mock up of the heritage board containing photographs and text describing the main historical sites in the village. The mock up was passed round and gained approving comments. A "You Choose" grant had been applied for to cover the costs, which SH said would be the first "You Choose" grant which the Conservation Group had applied for. It was suggested that we might be able to use the plaque to advertise and support local cafe's and establishments, but this was objected to on the grounds that the Plaque was  purely historical.
[3] JE agreed to provide traffic survey sheet for our next meeting, with a view to our monitoring traffic before the weather gets bad. A shift system was proposed, so that people only need to work say an hour at a time. It was suggested that we should report the results to a Councillor or our MP. It was proposed to count both cars and other types of vehicle.
[4] It was suggested that the mill stones mentioned at the last meeting might still be available for purchase and engraving as boundary markers, however the difficulty of obtaining the crane required to lift them remained. The possibility of designating a Village green and renovating the style were also mentioned, as was the still poor state of the stocks in front of St. Marys Church.
[y] JP agreed to contact the Parks people, with regard to the offer of Laurel bushes that we received [RT has since replied to the offer and said that we have passed the information on to Parks, but it looks as if the Parks Group are going to decline as well.  JP].
[y] Although JH has a Christmas tree, it is still rather small, and we may need something larger to erect outside the Church this year.

Things we have done

[1] Our joint stand at the Ecclesfield Gala in the Park, was a great success. RT thanked everybody who helped erect and man the stand. It meant a 12 hour day for some.  The weather held and between the Bloom and Conservation Groups about £70 was raised [PB has emailed to say that our share of the proceeds from the sale of books was £20.50, but the £17.50 cost of the stall has to come out of this].
[x] JP agreed to maintain a list of planning applications that the Group decided were to be "Monitored", "inquired about", or "Objected to". The first application to be "Monitored" is the Loicher Lane Power Station.
[x] RT agreed to enquire with andreasperanza884@hotmail.com about any changes in the situation regarding the proposed power station on Loicher Lane. RT had already written to express concern about the fuels that were to be burnt as agreed at our previous meeting. [comments seem to still be being accepted here.].

Resolutions Passed

[c] Copies of the Minutes of the meeting of 2010-07-19 (last amended on 2010-07-21) were distributed, and since it had been two months since the last meeting, "taken as read".

Other matters discussed

[y] The planning application for the smoking terraces in front of the snooker club on Yew lane was noted. No objection is made to this, but concern was expressed about the report in The Star of the licensing application to change from a snooker hall to a bar with live music and dancing.
[y] Support was expressed for the fund raising efforts to purchase Greno Woods and an appreciative discussion took place of the work being done there.

Notes and Information

[] The next meeting of Ecclesfield in Bloom will be on 2010-08-03 (Tuesday) at 19:00 pm, upstairs in the Black Bull as indicated on www.ecclesfieldinbloom.co.uk.
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