[Version dated 2017-06-27 by JP.]
Agenda for the Conservation
meeting of
2017-06-27 at 19:00 in “The Stocks”
A. Chair: Ian Deans
B. Attendance and Apologies:
D. Agenda Items:
-Neighbourhood policing: Attendance by PCSO from NE Team (ID)
-Possible Heritage Open Day events in Ecclesfield (SP)
-Sheffield Heritage Vision & Plan: Launch event 13 & 14/10 (ID)
-Parish Archiving Project : invitation to join new Advisory Group (ID)
-Ecclesfield Gala 3/9/17: possible attendance & stand (ID)
X. Planning Applications. See the penultimate section.
Y. Any questions or comments on the “Emails received”, “Information watch”, or “Issues remaining” sections below; or any other business.
Z. Next meeting - confirmation or modification of “27th June 2017”. [Other dates for 2017 can be seen on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com ].
The items in the next few sections will not be gone through one by one, but can be discussed in any other business if any member wishes to bring them up.
Communications received, e.g. on ecclesfield.conservation@gmail.com
· JP acknowledges receipt of the Conservation Group’s cheque, in full payment for the Conservation Group’s Insurance.
If any members can help, or want to bring any of the following up for any other reason, they can do so in any other business.
* Our on-line archive needs quite a bit of work to get going - perhaps as a window to our physical archive.
* Designs for the pop-up banners are still in progress.
* We have a fireproof trunk for storing archive material. Members might prefer a more generally accessible location if one can be found [As well as perhaps other things such as our Gazebo].
* We still have plans to survey major trees within the Conservation Area.
* We are still encouraging Sheffield City Council to proceed with their project to get their alcohol licensing system on-line so that everybody can see the opening times etc. which apply to each of the premises in the area. We are continuing to check their manual list of licence applications, but our monthly meetings and downloads miss some of them.
The following planning applications were found by searching for Ward = “East Ecclesfield”, Parish = Ecclesfield Parish Council”, postcodes S35 9?? and S35 1TE, validated from 39th March to 21st May 2017.
[Some of the applications have underlined links in which
case you should be able to click on them to see the [Details]
and for the plans etc, the [Documents] tab. For applications without links, just
click on any of the links, then “Search > Planning > Simple Search”, and
enter the “Ref. No” for the application you are interested in.
The contents of brackets and italics are my interpretation - usually made
after only briefly scanning the documents]
side extension to dwellinghouse
20 Greaves Road Sheffield S5 9DD
Ref. No: 17/02372/FUL | Received: Fri 02 Jun 2017 | Validated: Fri 02 Jun 2017 |
Status: Awaiting decision
[ 2017-06-26 This is the end terrace house on the inside of the bend
where Greaves Road meets Butchill Avenue, just before Yew Lane. ]
Application to allow minor
alterations to elevations in regard to windows and doors (amendment to
previously approved scheme 16/03158/FUL)
Ball Inn 106 High Street Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9XE
Ref. No: 17/02345/NMA | Received: Wed 31 May 2017 | Validated: Fri 16 Jun 2017 |
Status: Awaiting decision
[ 2017-06-26
1. Western Elevation - Redistribution of windows along elevation (no
change to number)
2. South Elevation (Rear of Building) - Omission of double doors and two
windows, replaced with two single doors (in existing openings - one currently
blocked up)
3. North Elevation (Front of Building) - Omission of double doors to main and
staff entrances and replaced with single glazed doors with side screens.
4. Eastern Elevation - Glazing shown to porch (WG-10) for clarity, as this had
been boarded over. ]
rear extension and front porch
162 Town End Road Sheffield S35 9YY
Ref. No: 17/02346/FUL | Received: Wed 31 May 2017 | Validated: Thu 08 Jun 2017 |
Status: Awaiting decision
[ 2017-06-26 This looks like the last house on Town End Road before
it becomes The Wheel. The proposed 2 story extension at the back of the house looks
to me as extending about 6 meters to the back of the building, and has already
been objected to by a neighbour. ]
Single-storey rear extension to
dwellinghouse - the extension is 5.35m from the rear of the original dwelling,
the maximum height is 3.8m and the height to the eaves is 2.5m
92 Ecclesfield Road Chapeltown Sheffield S35 1TE
Ref. No: 17/02304/HPN | Received: Tue 30 May 2017 | Validated: Tue 30 May 2017 |
[ 2017-06-26 Status: Awaiting decision ]
floor front extension to dwellinghouse
8 Mellor Lea Farm Chase Sheffield S35 9TX
Ref. No: 17/02226/FUL | Received: Wed 24 May 2017 | Validated: Wed 24 May 2017 |
Status: Awaiting decision
[ 2017-06-26 This is a detached house in the small estate off Nether
Lane. ]
of unit as indoor motorcycling facility
Theaker Recycling Unit 27 Ecclesfield 35 Industrial Estate Station Road Ecclesfield
Sheffield S35 9YR
Ref. No: 16/02736/FUL | Received: Tue 12 Jul 2016 | Validated: Fri 07 Oct
[2017-05-21 An
Extension of time has been agreed until 7th ~April 2017]
[ 2017-06-27 Awaiting
Illuminated freestanding 12 metre high totem sign
land Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional Headquarters, The Common,
Sheffield S35 9WL
Ref. No: 16/01778/ADV | Received: Thu 12 May 2016 | Validated: Thu 12 May 2016
[ 2017-06-27 Awaiting
of training facility and single storey building for use as a restaurant with
associated drive-thru, car parking and landscaping and associated works and
installation of 2 Customer Order Displays with associated canopies
Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional Headquarters The Common Sheffield
S35 9WL
Ref. No:
16/01781/FUL | Received: Thu 12
May 2016 | Validated: Fri 13 May 2016
[ 2017-06-27 Awaiting
1 illuminated gateway 89sign, 6 illuminated totem signs, 1
illuminated panel sign, 2 illuminated freestanding directional signs and 1 post
mounted directional sign, 3 post mounted banner signs and 21 parking signs -
all non-illuminated
Land Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional
Headquarters The Common Sheffield S35 9WL
Ref. No: 16/01777/ADV | Received: Thu 12 May 2016 | Validated: Thu 12 May 2016
| Status:
[ 2017-06-27 Awaiting
Provision of one illuminated logo sign, three illuminated individual
letter signs and two illuminated fascia signs
Land Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional Headquarters The Common
Sheffield S35 9WL
Ref. No: 16/01780/ADV | Received: Thu 12 May 2016 | Validated: Mon 16 May 2016 |
[ 2017-06-27 Awaiting
Erection of a motorway service area
including proposed facilities building, hotel, filling station, parking
facilities for all vehicles, access and circulation internal roads, structured
and natural landscaping with outside picnic space and dog walking area,
associated infrastructure and earthworks (Town and Country Planning (EIA)
Regulations 2011 Schedule 2 proposal) (Amended plans received 11 July 2014)
Smithy Wood Cowley Hill (Adjoining Junction 35 Of
M1 Motorway) Sheffield 35
Ref. No: 14/01079/OUT | Received: Tue 25 Mar 2014 |
Validated: Fri 11 Jul 2014 | Status: Pending Consideration.
[ 2017-06-27 Awaiting
Decision. Assumed delayed, following the announcement of a proposal for a Motorway Service Station on the M1 at Junction33
- although no references to a planning application by Applegreen was found this month.]
The next planning meeting is in the Town Hall at 2pm on 11th July. Members may want to check the The agenda the week before at http://democracy.sheffield.gov.uk/ieListMeetings.aspx?CommitteeId=373 and see if they want to attend or speak on any of the scheduled decisions they may be concerned about.
rear extension and porch to front of dwellinghouse
95 High Street Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9XA
Ref. No: 17/01287/FUL | Received: Sun 26 Mar 2017 | Validated: Tue 28 Mar
2017 | [ 2017-05-21 Awaiting
[ 2017-06-27 Granted
subject to conditions. ]
· Demolition
of existing buildings and erection of 5 dwellinghouses with associated car
parking accommodation and amenity space
209 High Street Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9XB
Ref. No: 17/01049/FUL | Received: Fri 10 Mar 2017 | Validated: Tue 28 Mar
2017 | [ 2017-05-21 Awaiting
[ 2017-06-27 Granted.
Conditions include:- 10% energy saving; bat survey; if nesting birds then demolition
only once all chicks have fledged; and 2 bird and 2 bat boxes must be provided
and retained.]
· Use of the building as a gymnastics club (Use Class D2)
4 Hydra Business Park Nether Lane Sheffield S35 9ZX
Ref. No: 17/00845/CHU | Received: Mon 27 Feb
2017 | Validated: Tue 28 Feb 2017 | tatus: Awaiting decision
[ 2017-06-27 Refused because “…non-preferred use would be contrary to policies IB5 and IB9a of the UDP, as non-preferred uses would become dominant in the policy area.”. I.e. less than 50% Manufacturing, Distribution/Warehousing.]
· Use of building as micro-pub and
erection of front access ramp
99 Cross Hill Sheffield
S35 9WR
Ref. No:
16/02782/FUL | Received: Tue 19 Jul 2016 | Validated: Tue
19 Jul 2016 | Status: Awaiting decision
Awaiting Decision - agreed expiry date 23 Dec 2016)
but only as a 12 month trial.
Note that 108 representations against, (2 in favour).
The arguments listed in the report to the committee, and are therefore presumably
valid objections
to this and perhaps other planning applications were…
- Wrong location for such a use
- Inadequate notification regarding the proposal
- Noise issues
- Nuisance/disturbance issues
- Parking problems
-Traffic problems
- Other pubs have closed down in the immediate vicinity so why need another
- Anti-social behaviour
- No control of people drinking outside the premises
- Increase in litter problems
- Potential signs that could impact on visual amenity
- Impact on public transport
- Problems with free flow of public transport if cars re parked on the road
- Request the application go to committee and not be delegated ]
· Meadowbank Farm has applied for “Change to Layout”. I could not see details in the downloadable word file on the SCC’s website.