[If anybody has any problems reading the emailed agenda, a copy is available to browse on http://conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com/]

Agenda for the Conservation meeting in the Stocks at 7:30 on Monday 10th August 2009

a.    Welcome to members, new members, and visitors.
b.    To register Apologies.
c.    Acceptance or amendment of the Minutes of the previous meeting.
  1. Discussion of the licence we have now recieved for the maintenance of the old Garage Site, following Russ Kelly's  visit to us last month.
  2. Report on sign posts.
  3. Report on the benches and walls on land between Priory Road and St. Mary's Church.
  4. Ecclesfield Gala - volunteers needed to man the stand + offers of items to put on the stand, or use as prizes for the draw.
x.   Discussion on any new planning applications (See below).
y.    Any other business.
z.    Date of the next meeting.


Ecclesfield in Bloom meetings are scheduled for Tuesday 11th August and Tuesday 8th September, at 7:30 in the Black Bull. The Yorkshire in Bloom award ceremony is on 15th September.
Ecclesfield Gala in the Park is on the 6th September, not as it appeared on the village web site.

Emails received on


Planning Applications found

1 09/02365/FUL 22/07/2009 03/08/2009 Enpar Special Alloys Ltd Station Road Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9YR Siting of catering unit Pending Consideration
2 09/02456/COND 30/07/2009 30/07/2009 (File Forger's Cottage, 28 Town End Road) Workshop At Rear Of 18 To 24 Town End Road Sheffield Submission of 07/00043/FUL condition details. Condition numbers 2. External Materials, 4. Landscape ... Pending Consideration

8 09/02256/FUL 14/07/2009 27/07/2009 19 Crakehall Road Sheffield S35 9WQ Single-storey rear extension to dwellinghouse Pending Consideration

15 09/02191/FUL 10/07/2009 16/07/2009 97 Cross Hill Sheffield S35 9WR First-floor rear extension to dwellinghouse Pending Consideration

17 09/02207/FUL 15/07/2009 15/07/2009 34 Butchill Avenue Sheffield S5 9DH Single-storey front extension, 2 no. rear dormers, hardstanding and boundary fence to dwellinghouse ... Pending Consideration

19 09/02218/TPC 13/07/2009 13/07/2009 Morrisons Supermarket 299 The Common Sheffield S35 9WJ Removal of tree (protected by planning condition in permission ref. 95/1087P) Pending Consideration

28 09/01763/OUT 05/06/2009 05/06/2009 Site Of Geo Fisher Transport Depot Green Lane Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9WY Erection of 52 dwellings and provision of associated car parking accommodation and landscape works Pending Consideration
19 You can see the location of the infected Horse Chestnut, at... http://planningdocs.sheffield.gov.uk/WAM/findCaseFile.do?action=show&appName=planning&appNumber=09/02218/TPC

28 Details of the slightly amended_application are here... http://planningdocs.sheffield.gov.uk/WAM/findCaseFile.do?action=show&appName=planning&appNumber=09/01763/OUT.

and discuss the applications on http://ecclesfield.wikia.com/Agenda

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