[A copy of these minutes, will (shortly) be available to browse on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com/. Just click on Minutes]

Minutes for the Conservation Group meeting in the Stocks at 7:30 on Monday 16th November 2009

[Numbers and letters in square brackets refer to corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. These minutes were written on 2009-11-22]


[1] Chair:  Keith Fish
[ ]Secretary: Roger Tordoff.
[ ]Minutes Secretary: Jim Percival took these minutes.
[2] Members: Including the above, (at least) 13 people attended (We forgot to re-count after the AGM); 4 people emailed or otherwise sent their apologies; and 31 currently receive emailed minutes.

Things we are doing

[13] There will be no meeting in Decembers so the next meeting of the Conservation Group will be on Monday 18th January 2010, at 7:30 in the Stocks.
[5] Old Garage Site/Lady Croft Meadow:
Keith Fish reported that BTCV [http://www2.btcv.org.uk/] had now looked at the old Garage Site. They gave us a (verbal) quote, saying that they could put 12 people on the site for a day for a cost of £250. They could also supply a budget and suggested that they could help put any grant application together. They could also supply ongoing maintenance once or twice a year for £250 a time.
[7] Traffic: Keith Fish reported that we had received a rather disappointing reply to our letter to Sheffield City Council following the petition concerning the speed of traffic on Wheel Lane. It was therefore agreed, to follow up the reference in the letter about speed cameras, to see if something more definite could be agreed. Support for more drastic measures, including a roundabout and traffic lights was also expressed. Information on any accidents that might have occurred in the area was requested, since that seemed to be something that would cause the Council to act [. Also, somebody might want to monitor http://www.safetycamera.org/camera-locations/where-are-the-mobiles, and report whether the promised preventative action has been taken].
[8] Finger Posts: We were extremely pleased to note that after all SH's prompting, both posts now have all their fingers attached [This merits a new photograph on http://ecclesfield.wikia.com/wiki/Conservation if anybody wants to upload one]
[10] Possible Projects: Proposals mentioned as still being on the table were...
... for raising the mile stone marking the old boundary between Sheffield and Wortley on Green Lane. An old map was requested to help position the stone.
...for re-furbishing the wooden stocks in front of St. Mary's Church. PB is talking to Rotary who are believed to have provided the original item some 30 odd years ago.
...the possibility of placing something in the alcove in the wall in front of St. Mary's Church.
...refurbishing the old stile near Gatty Hall at the end of Priory Road.
...designation of the land between St. Mary's Church and Priory Road as the Village Green.

Things we have done

[ ]Our 2009 AGM took place immediately before this meeting. Accounts were presented, and all officers appointed. Since this was only achieved by some people taking on two roles, other offers to take on some of these positions would be welcome.
[ 4] We have given details of the Conservation Group to the Council's "Community Development" department. We understand that they intend to distribute 1000 leaflets.
[9] Keith fish thanked KM, AH, JH, and everybody else who had helped in the digging of holes and in helping to prepare for the Lord Mayors tree planting in Ecclesfield Park. Three schools participated, as well as Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Rainbow and Scouts groups. Bulbs were planted around the trees and time capsules buried.  A couple of hundred people attended the ceremony, which marked those lost in conflicts since the start of the first world war.
[11] The planning applications listed in the last agenda were examined, without objection.
[12] We have ordered a 25 ft Christmas tree, and are trying to finance the purchase of replacement lights.

Resolutions Passed

[3] Copies of the Minutes of the meeting of 2009-10-12 were distributed, and no corrections voiced.
[4] The parks group had asked if it was OK if they put a public noticeboard on the Old Garage Site. Keith had already replied that he could not see why not, but opened the issue for debate. The idea was generally welcomed and no objections were raised. The permission is therefore confirmed. It had also been suggested that the site be renamed "Lady Croft Meadow", and that was agreed.
[12 ] Since the Methodist Church is being auctioned, it was agreed to put a notice on our web site advertising its status as a building of Townscape Merit. [If anybody wants to submit a photograph of the Church, they are welcome to email it to me at , since we can't copy the one at http://www.markjenkinson.co.uk/next.asp]. Several people suggested uses for the building which did not require the outside appearance to be changed, and in case anyone wishes to bid, we understand that it is being sold without a reserve, and has a suggested price of £100,000.

Notes and Information

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