[These and previous minutes are available as a web page on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com. Just click on "Minutes" for the minutes of the last meeting]

Minutes of the Conservation Group meeting of 2011-11-21 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks

[Numbers and letters in square brackets refer to corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. This version of the minutes was last amended on 2011-12-04]


[a] John Ellis chaired the meeting.

[b] Although no attendance sheet was distributed, and no exact count was made, the meeting was well attended. 32 people currently receive emailed agendas and minutes. An apology for not attending past and future meetings was received from Councillor Vic Bowden, who would like to come to more of our meetings, but is unable to do so at the moment.

[c] Jim Percival jim AT ... took these minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted without amendment.

Things we are doing

[z] Their will be no December meeting, so the next meeting of the Conservation Group will be on 2012-01-16 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks.

[1] Our objection to the application to extend the Black Bull licensing hours was discussed, with members re-iterating their concern about the likely increased noise. [I have since been told that although some of our members signed the petition against the application, and some attended the licensing committee meeting itself, the application was granted. I have also been told that there was a deadline for objections of 2011-11-03, which is before the Conservation Group's letter of objection was written. Presumably because of this our letter was not registered as an objection. At least the Group's discussion of the issue at the previous meeting served to alert interested members. Members may wish to keep an eye (or ear) open to possible problems, and note that Sheffield City Council Licensing Department¬ say that they can review an existing license should complaints be reported to them - JP].

[2] JP said that following our objection to the original planning application by Bradbury's Haulage, that application had been withdrawn, and a new application made. Although the new application did contain some changes, including the moving of the workshop/garage away from the adjoining gardens by one lorry width, the original objections still appeared to apply. We therefore copied our original letter of objection to the new application [See planning application 11/03358/FUL¬ and click on "ECCLESFIELD CONSERVATION GROUP" to see this copy].

[3] ID informed us that only two of the five listed buildings in Ecclesfield are marked on Sheffield City Council’s Conservation Area Map. We therefore resolved to write on behalf of the Conservation Group to ask the Council why this might be. [ See Sheffield City Council's  Ecclesfield Conservation Area Map¬, (version with no revisions but File > Properties > Description > Modified = 2007-06-13)].

[4] ID reported that 8 people had attended the Heritage Board training meeting, and that the meeting proved extremely valuable. After an initial teaching session on heritage boards and trails, attendees split into smaller groups to discuss the design of their respective projects. Ian mentioned some of the ideas generated to us, and the following generally found favour ...
PB reported that the board itself has now been paid for.  However, we still need photographs and suggestions, and it was therefore decided to distribute a poster asking for this [A copy of the poster can be seen by clicking on Ecclesfield Heritage Board. If anybody has information on "Ecclesfield's working past" they are invited to ring Peter Barker on 0114 2463626 or email jim AT ...].
Michael Spick's historical website was also mentioned, and it was decided to write to Mr Spick to see if he wanted to contribute [Now done - JP].

[5] The possibility of putting boundary markers or signs at the entries into to Ecclesfield were mentioned, and ID passed round a printout showing lots of possible designs. There were thought to be 5 roads into Ecclesfield, but the need for land to site them on, and for Highways Approval, were thought to reduce this to possibly 3 practicable sites.  Prices had been obtained ranging from "£5,000 + VAT and transport" for stone to £260 for something like a road sign. A compromise estimate from "Stonewise" of around £500 - £660 each seemed to find favour.
JE had brought a copy of the form for applying for a grant from the Northern Community Assembly "Environmental Improvement Fund", so it was decided to make an application for funding [This application had to go in the day after the meeting, but I understand that it did make the deadline, although with an accompanying letter suggesting further discussion on the project costs - JP].

[6] JE, told us that we were still hoping for details of Sheffield City Council's own traffic survey information to compare with ours.

[7] JE and ID told us about the meeting of environmental and conservation groups at Grenoside School which they hoped to attend on behalf of the Group.

Planning application "11/03560/CHU" for a waste transfer station on the Station Road Industrial Estate was discussed. The nature of the waste, and the route to be taken by the extra lorry traffic, were both discussed. JP said that the application stated that the waste would be non-toxic, however there did not seem to be any undertakings in regard to the traffic. It was decided to make a formal objection on the basis of the excess lorry traffic, particularly that travelling down the Common to the M1 [ Go to the Council Planning web site and click on "General Comment" dated 25 Nov 2011 ].

[y] We received a grant of £150 for this year's Ecclesfield Christmas tree. A letter of thanks has been sent to the Parish Council. Due to the cuts, the amount was down from the £300 received last year [I spotted a note in the Parish Council minutes saying that this £150 was general throughout the area - JP].

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