To be made available on [Version dated 2018-05-22 by JP]

Agenda for the Conservation meeting of
2018-05-22 at 19:00 in “The Stocks”

A.    Chair: Roger Tordoff.

C.    Apologies: SP took the bus into Sheffield this afternoon, and might not be back early enough to attend.

D.    Agenda Items

  1. Possible building on green belt land between Whitely Lane and Chapeltown Road.

  2. Whether to comment on the proposed processing of fracking waste water in Ecclesfield.

  3. Maintenance of heritage boards.

X.    Any Planning Concerns. See the penultimate section.

Y.    Any questions or comments on the “Emails received”, “Information watch”, or “Issues remaining”. sections below; or any other business.

Z.     Confirmation, or change to scheduled next meeting date of June 26th.

On the Agenda Items

1) Following activity in surveying the land, and the belief of people living nearby that two of the fields between Whitely Lane and Nether Lane are going to be sold for a housing development, there is now a petition to express opposition to the possible development. The area is Green belt and SCC Planning Policies G6A, and F2(h) should apply.

2) I have just found the link to upload comments on INEOS’s proposal to Frack near Marsh Lane, and tanker the waste to Ecclesfield for processing. The Government’s planning inquiry site lists several deadline dates listed, most of which are long past. However, one of them, “Inquiry Evidence due” is tonight. If members wished, we could upload some brief comments, and perhaps put a copy on our web site. For instance, if members thought it relevant, we could question whether the volume of waste which FCC Environmental was permitted to process on the site was limited. I found their “ISO 14001 Certificate of Registration”, and details of their Environment Agency Permit, neither of which specified a volume limit. I did however press the [Request documents] button. If anybody knows anything further, or I get a reply from this email, I will let members know.

Since our last meeting, Derbyshire Council has confirmed it is still against Fracking. However, the Secretaries of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (Greg Clark), and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government (James Brokenshire) are proposing to make fracking a permitted development. As I understand it, this would force Local Authorities to approve such applications.

The inquiry itself is scheduled to start on 10a.m. 19th June 2018 at the Market Hall, Assembly Rooms, Soresby Street, Chesterfield. If anybody wishes to attend, then they are asked to come on the first day to make this known.

The items in the next few sections will not be gone through one by one, but can be discussed in any other business if any member wishes to bring them up.

Communications, e.g. on

Information watch

Issues from previous minutes

If any members can help, or want to bring any of the following up for any other reason, they can do so in any other business.
*    Our on-line archive and website need attention.
*    Designs for the pop-up banners are still in progress.
*      We have a fireproof trunk for storing archive material. Members might prefer a more generally accessible location if one can be found [As well as perhaps other things such as our Gazebo].
*      We still have plans to survey major trees within the Conservation Area.
*      Sheffield City Council’s alcohol licensing system is still not on-line. This not only makes it difficult for anybody to find out what restrictions apply to any licences granted in the past, but we may be missing some of their new decisions, since we can only see the latest (2 week?) decisions.

New planning applications

The following planning applications were found by searching for Ward = “East Ecclesfield”, Parish = Ecclesfield Parish Council”, postcodes S35 9?? and S35 1TE, validated from 19th Apr 2018 - 20th May 2018. [You may be able to click on the underlined links, and then the [Documents] tab to see the drawings etc. Otherwise, just go to, then enter the “Ref. No” for the application you are interested in.
The contents of brackets and italics are my interpretation - made after briefly scanning some of the planning documents]

Still pending

·        Demolition of training facility and single storey building for use as a restaurant with associated drive-thru, car parking and landscaping and associated works and installation of 2 Customer Order Displays with associated canopies
Land Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional Headquarters The Common Sheffield S35 9WL
Ref. No: 16/01781/FUL | Received: Thu 12 May 2016 | Validated: Fri 13 May 2016.
[ 2018-05-20
 Awaiting Decision. I found no activity in the SCC’s planning document list since the 8th November extension of time (until 31st December  2016). Site registers 170 comments, all of which seem to be against McDonald’s apart from the initial batch obtained by the applicant. ]


·       Illuminated freestanding 12 metre high totem sign
land Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional Headquarters, The Common, Sheffield S35 9WL

Ref. No: 16/01778/ADV | Received: Thu 12 May 2016 | Validated: Thu 12 May 2016.
[ 2018-05-20
 Awaiting Decision - see above.]

·        1 illuminated gateway sign, 6 illuminated totem signs, 1 illuminated panel sign, 2 illuminated freestanding directional signs and 1 post mounted directional sign, 3 post mounted banner signs and 21 parking signs - all non-illuminated
Land Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional Headquarters The Common Sheffield S35 9WL
Ref. No: 16/01777/ADV | Received: Thu 12 May 2016 | Validated: Thu 12 May 2016.

[ 2018-05-20
 Awaiting Decision - see above.]

·        Provision of one illuminated logo sign, three illuminated individual letter signs and two illuminated fascia signs
Land Adjacent South Yorkshire Police Divisional Headquarters The Common Sheffield S35 9WL
Ref. No: 16/01780/ADV | Received: Thu 12 May 2016 | Validated: Mon 16 May 2016.

 Awaiting Decision - see above.]

·        Erection of a motorway area including proposed facilities building, hotel, filling station, parking facilities for all vehicles, access and circulation internal roads, structured and natural landscaping with outside picnic space and dog walking area, associated infrastructure and earthworks (Town and Country Planning (EIA) Regulations 2011 Schedule 2 proposal) (Amended plans received 11 July 2014)
Smithy Wood Cowley Hill (Adjoining Junction 35 Of M1 Motorway) Sheffield 35
Ref. No: 14/01079/OUT | Received: Tue 25 Mar 2014 | Validated: Fri 11 Jul 2014.
[ 2018-05-20
 Awaiting Decision. I could not find any further documents on the SCC planning portal, since 22 Nov 2017, when Pegasus asked for a meeting. The (alternative?) proposal for a Motorway Service Station on the M1 at Junction 33, showed no further documents since 12 Sept 2017.].

The agenda for the next planning meeting at 1st May 2018 did not appear to refer to this, but anybody interested may want to check later agendas at and see if they want to attend or speak at the above or any other of the applications that may appear on these agendas.


Alcohol Licensing

·      I did not find any Licensing Applications mentioning “Ecclesfield” or “S35 9” in the list dated 14th May 2018.