To be made available on [Version dated 2018-07-24 by JP]

Agenda for the Conservation meeting of
at 19:00 in “The Stocks”

C.    Chair: RT.

D.    Agenda Items

  1. Discussions of the suggestions for monitoring and logging things that may be important to members.

  2. Gala

X.    Any Planning Concerns. See the penultimate section.

Y.    Any questions or comments on the “Emails received”, “Information watch”, or “Issues remaining”. sections below; or any other business.

Z.     Confirmation, or change to scheduled next meeting date, which (since we do not usually have a summer meeting) is September 25th.

On the Agenda Items

1 Some of the things which we may want to decide to monitor, perhaps once a year

1a) Number and size of (SCC roadside or private garden?) trees in the village, e.g. to check that SCC and Amey are replacing the trees they cut down.

1b) Environmental problems, such as Himalayan Balsam at Ecclesfield Dam, e.g. to contribute to and/or, and perhaps some control or eradication.

1c) Traffic counts, e.g. if our previous Church Street/Town End/St. Mary’s Lane results have been exceeded, then to advise SCC and campaign for road improvements.

1d) Fine particulate pollution (pm2.5), e.g. to see whether any increases in Ecclesfield traffic are being compensated for by the trend towards less polluting vehicles.

1e) Radiation in Blackburn or Whitley Brook, e.g. to see whether any detectable discharges appear from Fracking or other waste processing.

1f) Other pollutants in our local streams (Although I don’t know how to do this).

1g) The (minimum? maximum? average?) volume or speed of Water in our streams, i.e. anything that improves on (Although I don’t know the best way of doing this).

1h) Temperature.

1i) Litter (location, amount, composition, source?).

1j) Anything else people suggest.

The items in the next few sections will not be gone through one by one, but can be discussed in any other business if any member wishes to bring them up.

Communications, e.g. on

Information watch

Issues completed

Outstanding issues

If any members can help, or want to bring any of the following up for any other reason, they can do so in any other business.

* All three heritage boards seem to be stable, now that they are re-enforced with washers, but the one opposite to Morrisons is sited under a tree and therefore needs periodic cleaning. I have failed to do this regularly enough so if anybody wants to volunteer to look after it, just say.

* Our on-line archive and website need attention.
*    Designs for the pop-up banners are still in progress.
*      We have a fireproof trunk for storing archive material. Members might prefer a more generally accessible location if one can be found [As well as perhaps other things such as our Gazebo].
*      We still have plans to survey major trees within the Conservation Area.
*      Sheffield City Council’s alcohol licensing system is still not on-line. This not only makes it difficult for anybody to find out what restrictions apply to any licenses granted in the past, but we may be missing some of their new decisions, since we can only see the latest (2 week?) decisions.

New planning applications

The following planning applications and appeals were found by searching for Ward = “East Ecclesfield”, Parish = Ecclesfield Parish Council”, postcodes S35 9?? and S35 1TE, validated from 20th May to 25th June 2018. [You may be able to click on the underlined links, and then the [Documents] tab to see the drawings etc. Otherwise, just go to, then enter the “Ref. No” for the application you are interested in.
The contents of brackets and italics are my interpretation - made after briefly scanning some of the planning documents]

Still pending

The next SCC Planning Committee meetings are on 14th August and 4 September 2018. Anybody interested may want to check the agendas as they are published at... .


Alcohol Licensing