To be uploaded to shortly. [Version dated 2019-04-23 by JP]
for the Conservation meeting of
2019-05-28 at
19:00 in “The Stocks”
A. Chair: RT.
B. Apologies
D. Agenda Items (see below for details)
Conservation Flag Banner.
Horizontal banner.
X. Any Planning concerns. See the penultimate section.
Y. Any questions or comments on the “Emails received”, “Information watch”, or “Issues remaining”. sections below; or any other business.
Z. To confirm or change the next meeting date of 25th of June.
1. The flag banner has been sent down to “studio” for checking before being manufactured.
2. We may still want to produce a horizontal banner, e.g. to go along the top of our Gazebo.
The items in the next few sections will not be gone through one by one, but can be discussed in any other business if any member wishes to bring them up.
The Players Lounge is still being advertised at £495k” on and,
Anti-Fracking group has not yet managed to identify tankers containing fracking waste, for instance from the Mission site, but does report some success nationally, for instance with the resignation of the Government’s Shale Gas Commissioner.
Outstanding interests
If any members can help, or want to bring any of the following up for any other reason, they can do so in any other business.
* Fortunately, when I checked, there were no planning applications for the old co-op building, and our High Street is surviving. The new shop in the building is even advertising. You can see what they do on page 5 of Nevertheless we are still trying looking for ways of get the SCC to answer our list of questions about the survival of our High Street, and hoping that the Parish Council will produce a local plan including provision for High Streets.
* The last meeting of the Ecclesfield and Chapeltown Anti-Fracking Group could not be sure that the white MAN tanker I saw in Ecclesfield was from a fracking site. We are therefore continuing to liaise with the Group to find out whether fracking waste is coming to Ecclesfield.
It is a bit early yet, but following our
to it, we are expecting the Government to publish the results of
their Consultation
on Protecting and Enhancing England's Trees
make a decision.
* We have a baseline figure for the
radioactivity in Blackburn
ready to check for any increase, whether due to fracking or any other
discharges. However, it occurred to me recently that if anybody can
suggest a suitable access point, a measurement upstream of FCC
environmental might also be useful.
* I have been
experimenting with, but am still not happy with the more secure
If anybody has any comments on doing something similar with, or any
other aspects of our website, just let me know.
Designs for the horizontal banner
is still
in progress – see the agenda above for the flag banner.
We have a fireproof trunk for storing
archive material.
Members might prefer a more generally accessible location if one can
be found [As well as perhaps other things such as our Gazebo].
We still have plans to survey major
the Conservation Area.
* Sheffield City Council’s
is still not on-line. This not only makes it difficult for anybody to
find out what restrictions apply to any licenses granted in the past,
but we may be missing some of their new decisions, since we can only
see the latest (2 week?) decisions.
following planning applications and appeals were found by searching
for Ward = “East Ecclesfield”, Parish = Ecclesfield Parish
Council”, postcodes S35 9?? and S35 1TE, validated from 3rd
[You may be able
to click on the underlined links, and then the [Documents] tab to see
the drawings etc. Otherwise, just go to,
then enter the “Ref. No” for the application you are interested
contents of brackets and italics are my interpretation - made after
briefly scanning some of the planning documents]
of additional vehicular access and alterations to car park layout
(Transport Statement received 21.05.2019)
Supermarket 299 The Common Sheffield S35 9WJ
Ref. No:
19/00723/FUL | Received: Tue 26 Feb 2019 | Validated: Tue 21 May
[ 2019-05-27:
decision: This seems to be an additional entrance to Morrisons
Petrol station and car park. Space seems to have been obtained by
moving the recycling bins, but I could not see where these are
proposed to be moved to. There is already one objector, who sited
the difficulty traffic already has in turning from Station Road onto
the common at peak times, and which would presumably be made worse
by the proposed entrance into Morrisons. Also the possibility that
some drivers would use the new entrance to cut through Morrisons to
avoid this. Also, Ecclesfield Police Station with its emergency exit
opposite to the proposed new vehicular access, did not seem to be on
the list of organisations consulted or informed of the proposal]
of industrial warehouse unit with ancillary offices (Use Class B2 -
light industrial, B8 - general industrial or B8 - storage &
distribution) erection of gatehouse and formation of site access,
provision of car parking, service yard and landscaping works
At Smithy Wood Drive And Cowley Way Sheffield S35 1QN
Ref. No:
19/01557/FUL | Received: Wed 01 May 2019 | Validated: Fri 10 May
[ 2019-05-27: Awaiting decision: This application is
being made on behalf of Peel Logistics. They propose a 31,818 square
meter transport hub. This is serviced by 294 parking spaces,
including 34 covered cycle spaces - with showers, 22 disabled
parking spaces, and 18 EV charging points. Solar panels supply 10%
of the energy. The building is described as being on a plateau and
offices, accessed by a lift are included, which may be why the
height of the roof apex would be 18 meters. Although the site is
positioned away from Nether Lane, and
twenty-two extra heavy standard trees plus ten heavy standard trees
are promised, this does mean that the building would be visible from
several places in Ecclesfield. Blackburn
brook is just behind the site, but the applicants say it would be
of supermarket and petrol station including internally illuminated
signs and non-illuminated signs
Morrisons Supermarket 299
The Common Sheffield S35 9WJ
Ref. No: 19/01489/ADV | Received:
Fri 26 Apr 2019 | Validated: Fri 26 Apr 2019
[ 2019-05-27:
Awaiting decision: Existing yellow signage to be replaced with White
on Green ]
of part obscured rooflight to the front side of dwelling
Priory Close Sheffield S35 9TS
Ref. No: 19/01220/FUL |
Received: Tue 02 Apr 2019 | Validated: Fri 26 Apr 2019
2019-05-27: Awaiting decision: This is the third bungalow from
the entrance of Priory Close. The only change to the plan which I
could see was the addition of a two pane window in the existing
to vehicle entrance including dropped kerb, erection of an acoustic
fence to Cowley Lane and erection of carport
Cowley Manor
212 Cowley Lane Sheffield S35 1RY
Ref. No: 19/00966/LBC |
Received: Fri 15 Mar 2019 | Validated: Thu 18 Apr 2019
2019-05-27: Awaiting decision: This is the grade II listed, stone
building, in grounds, on Cowley Lane. The existing gate posts are to
be re-used, but the entrance is to be controlled by adding 2.4 meter
high sliding gates. In addition, although the existing low stone
boundary wall at the side of the house is still shown on the plans
with the beach hedge behind; behind both of these are shown a new
2.4 meter high acoustic fence.]
to vehicle entrance including dropped kerb, erection of an acoustic
fence to Cowley Lane and erection of carport
Cowley Manor
212 Cowley Lane Sheffield S35 1RY
Ref. No: 19/00965/FUL |
Received: Fri 15 Mar 2019 | Validated: Thu 18 Apr 2019
2019-05-27: Awaiting decision: See above. I don't know why there
are two applications for what appears to me to be the same proposal
of first floor extension and two-storey rear extension to detached
11 Cross Hill Sheffield S35 9WR
Ref. No:
19/01328/FUL | Received: Tue 09 Apr 2019 | Validated: Tue 09 Apr
[ 2019-05-27: Withdrawn]
of single-storey side extension and first floor extension over
existing single-storey rear extension with juliet balcony
Lodge 115 Jumble Lane Sheffield S35 9XJ
Ref. No: 19/01168/FUL |
Received: Fri 29 Mar 2019 | Validated: Fri 29 Mar 2019 |
Still awaiting
decision: The house is accessed from the road which veers off to the
left of Jumble Lane, just before the M1. No 15 is to the left as
this road turns left towards the Cattery / Hartwell House. The plan
was marked “TOTAL PROPOSED EXTENSION 112.8M3, and suggests that
this is just less than one third the volume of the existing house.
The applicants may have chosen this ratio because
of the definition of “minor addition” in Sheffield City
Council’s Guideline
9 - “Extensions in the Green Belt ...”. This guideline does
however add that each application is to be judged on its merits and
mentions the impact of the proposed extension to the open character
of the Green Belt. Since the
extension appears to run along the edge of the road, it might be
thought to close off part of the Green Belt. On the other hand, no
objections have appeared on the site and I have not yet managed to
get up to see the site to see it. ].
of a detached dwellinghouse with detached double garage and erection
of a single garage to serve existing property
The Curtilage Of 348 The Wheel Sheffield S35 9ZB
Ref. No:
18/03341/FUL | Received: Fri 31 Aug 2018 | Validated: Thu 27 Sep
[ 2019-05-28
Awaiting decision. An extension of time has
been agreed until 20th
May 2019, possibly because of the recently
supplied “highway retaining wall detail”. The application
involves the large house and grounds, largely hidden from the road,
just beyond the terrace at the far end of The Wheel. The proposal
adds a house and garage for 4 cars.]
of a motorway area including proposed facilities building, hotel,
filling station, natural landscaping with outside picnic space and
dog walking area, associated infrastructure and earthworks (Town and
Country Planning (EIA) Regulations 2011 Schedule 2 proposal)
(Amended plans received 11 July 2014)
Wood Cowley Hill (Adjoining Junction 35 Of M1 Motorway) Sheffield
No: 14/01079/OUT | Received: Tue 25 Mar 2014 | Validated: Fri 11 Jul
2019-05-28 Awaiting
Decision, with an
extension of time until “acceptability or otherwise of Applegreen
application … has been resolved”. I
have noticed more documents on the proposed
Service Station on the M1 at Junction 33,
but none from Apple Green plc since 15
of single-storey rear extension to dwellinghouse
8 Nursery
Drive Sheffield S35 9XU
Ref. No: 19/01227/FUL | Received: Tue
02 Apr 2019 | Validated: Tue 02 Apr 2019
Granted conditionally: There was one objection from a neighbour, who
suggested that the proposed foundations would overlap their
boundary. However the officer commented that the plans did not
encroach, and considered that the new extension was an improvement
on the old. No. 8 is part way along Nursery Drive. The plans appear
to me to replace an existing conservatory by a red-brick dining
room, projecting 3.488 metres from the main house into the back
of external access door to supermarket
Supermarket 299 The Common Sheffield S35 9WJ
Ref. No:
19/00095/FUL | Received: Fri 11 Jan 2019 | Validated: Fri 11 Jan
Permitted development:
This is a side door, which is to be moved]
The next SCC Planning Committee meeting does not list any “Ecclesfield” applications, but anybody concerned about the following meeting which is on 14th May might be able to check when the agenda is published nearer the time at .
I did not find any alcohol Licensing Applications for “Ecclesfield” or “S35 9” in the pending applications list dated 15th March 2019.