[A copy of these minutes, is available to browse on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com/. Just click on Minutes]

Minutes for the Conservation Group meeting in the Stocks at 7:30 on Monday 12th October 2009

[Numbers and letters in square brackets refer to corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. Written on 2009-10-24]


[a] Chair: Chair: Keith Fish
Secretary: Roger Tordoff sent his apologies.
Minutes Secretary: Jim Percival took these minutes.
[b] Members: Including the above:- 10 people attended; 7 people emailed or otherwise sent their apologies; and 30 currently receive emailed minutes.

Things we are doing

[5,z] AGM and Next Meeting: All members (including all those receiving these minutes) are invited to the AGM at the Stocks at 7:15 on Monday 16th November 2009. A normal open meeting will follow at 7:30 pm.
[1] St. Marys Green/Old Garage Site: BTCV [http://www2.btcv.org.uk/]could not come to look at St. Mary's Green or attend this meeting due to illness. However, their representative is  hoping to be able to look at the site in the first week of November. They may then be able to advise us, and perhaps help in the maintenance of the land.
[2] Traffic: We were told that a petition had been raised concerning the speed of traffic on Wheel Lane. It was decided that we should write a letter pointing out that the problem also affects  Town End Road/Church Street. [Councillor Ian Auckland, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development and Transport, has now replied saying he will investigate. There is some background on ... http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/council-meetings/planningboards/west-and-north/agendas-2005/agenda-7-june-2005/report-stocks-hill-yew-lane]
[3] Finger Posts: The second finger has now been added to one of the signs outside St. Marys Church [See http://ecclesfield.wikia.com/wiki/Conservation]. The fingers on the other post are still missing. We hope that the supplier is still working on it.
[7] The Scouts and Brownies and ourselves are going to make five holes 2ft*2ft*2ft to restore the avenue of lime trees that we believe was planted in remembrance of soldiers lost in the great  war. We will start at 10:00 in the morning of 14th November, prior to the Lord Mayor's commemorative ceremony in Ecclesfield Park at 2:00 O'clock that afternoon.
[4] Possible Projects: There was further positive reaction to proposals...
... for raising the mile stone marking the old boundary between Sheffield and Wortley on Green Lane.
...the possibility of placing something on the plinth in the alcove in the wall in front of St. Mary's Church.
...refurbishing the old style near Gatty Hall at the end of Priory Road.
...further work at St. Marys Church, including the stocks, raising the old gate posts, and replacing the missing cast iron gate.
...a possible heritage board or noticeboard for Ecclesfield.
...a possible sign directing cars to the public car park outside the White Bear on Stocks Hill.

Things we have done

[x] The planning applications listed in the last agenda were examined, without objection.
[y] Thanks to huge efforts, including that put in by Conservation Members, Ecclesfield achieved two Silver Rose, and one Merit Award in the Yorkshire in Bloom competition. Click here for details.

Resolutions Passed

[c] The Minutes of the meeting of 2009-09-14 were accepted as a true and accurate reflection.
[1] St. Marys Green/Old Garage Site: It was agreed unanimously to accept the offer by Sheffield City Council to take on the maintenance of the land between St. Marys Lane and Ecclesfield Park [Keith Fish has now contacted Russ Kelly with a view to signing the forms]. The cost of the insurance to enable us to do this was £125, since it was paid for jointly with Ecclesfield in Bloom. One of our members has just strimmed the grass, and its looking pretty good at the moment.

Notes and Information

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