[These and previous minutes are
available as a web page on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com
Just click on "Minutes" for the minutes of the last meeting]
Minutes of the Conservation Group
meeting of 2010-11-15 (Monday)
19:30 in the Stocks
and letters in square brackets refer to
corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. This version of the
minutes was
last amended on 2010-12-02]
[a] Keith Fish chaired
the meeting.
[ ] Jim
Percival took
these minutes.
[b] 13 people attended the
meeting, 3 people
emailed apologies, and 27 people currently
receive emailed minutes.
Things we are doing
[z] It was decided not to
hold a December meeting. The next
meeting of the
Conservation Group will therefore be on 2011-01-17 (Monday) at 19:30 in
Stocks. This meeting will also
be an AGM.
We discussed the preparations for the "You Choose" event, on 16th
November, including the Power Point put together by ID in support of
our grant application for a heritage
board for LadyCroft Meadow. KF
said that he had emailed the Northern Assembly with our concerns about
the difficult 18:00 hour start to the event. KF also reported that a
new rule meant that each voter needed to select five projects, in order
for any of their votes to count. [This
application is now known to have failed. However, the heritage board may be
eligible for funding under the Ecclesfield Parish Council "Small Grants
Scheme", especially as we were told that the project only just missed
out in the voting. If anybody wants to take this further - the form is available here,
and the next meeting of the finance committee is 16th December]
[2] KF thanked everybody who gave
their time to our recent traffic survey, which allowed us to plot a
continuous 13 hours of traffic. JE handed out copies of what was
described as a "complete report", and which contained graphs of both
"East going" and "West going" traffic along Church Street. Both graphs
showed two peaks, an 8-9 and a 4-6 peak. The total number of vehicles
entering the junction with St. Mary's Road was over 1,300. JE suggested
that we could not rely on one survey, but needed to do it again on a
different day. It was therefore decided that we should repeat the
exercise, and 10th December was chosen so as to get an estimate of
Friday's traffic. The previous schedule was to be maintained as far as
possible [In
view of the terrible weather, that has developed subsequent to the
meeting, we thought we make a decision as to whether to go ahead with
this second survey on Tuesday 7th, and circulate the decision. If
anybody wants input into this decision, or cannot, or does
not want to, do their "hour"; or wants to move their slot,
please email ].
The scheme on Wheel Lane and The Wheel to encourage slower traffic was mentioned in connection with funding cuts [but is still listed on http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/roads/schemes/safety JP].
[3] We thanked Ecclesfield
Parish Council for their grant towards the cost of this year's
Ecclesfield Christmas tree, which will be erected in the grounds of St.
Mary's Church.
[4] Our (joint) entry for the
St. Mary's Church, Christmas tree festival was discussed. It was agreed
that it would be decorated with small cards hung on chords, and an
example card was passed round. People are needed to decorate the tree
from 6pm on the 9th December, and everybody will be able to view all the trees prepared by
local groups within the Church from 10th - 12th December. [If
anybody has any comments or objections to our putting in a sponsorship
bid of £30-£40 towards the purchase of our festival Xmas tree, please
email KF. We
believe that a lack of sponsorship from local businesses, means that
there could be a loss made on the Christmas Tree Festival. As we do
receive monies from Ecclesfield various charities and help from within
the church it was felt we ought to help out.]
[ y] Continuation of the work on
Ladycroft Meadow by ourselves and "in Bloom" was discussed but will
probably require a mechanical digger to spread the remaining soil.
[ y] Renewal of our insurance is
due again. The cost has risen slightly from £125 to £128 this year,
with additional restriction in cover (we will not be covered for
building walls).
Things we have done
[ y] KF Thanked everybody who
attended the recent coffee morning in St. Mary's Church. The event was
a great success, with Christmas decorations, Christmas cards and bric-a-brac being on sale and £467 raised.
Resolutions Passed
Copies of the Minutes
the meeting of
2010-10-18 (last amended on 2010-10-25)
distributed, and accepted.
[y ] We decided to send a
special Christmas card to South Yorkshire Police congratulating PC Peter
Booth for his recent awards and thanking him for his continuing good
work as community policeman.
[y] We discussed the offer that
we had received of about a ton of undressed stone. However, we could
not determine a use for it, and therefore resolved to reply declining
the offer.
Notes and Information
[6] There was nothing further
to report on pending planning applications, with both the application
for Ecclesfield Power station and the Old
Methodist still described as "Pending" on Sheffield City Council's web
[ ID has emailed to say that
Marika Puglisi (marika.puglisi@sheffield.gov.uk.)
had mentioned
that "the Council is starting a project recording and celebrating local
buildings and other features of importance". ID asked them to
contact with us when they were ready to start the project"]
City Council in introducing "No
Waiting" areas, and a 30 mph speed limits on Chapeltown
Road/Ecclesfield Road]
[ The next meeting of Ecclesfield
in Bloom is scheduled for 2011-02-01 (Tuesday) at 19:00
in the lounge bar of the Stocks as indicated on www.ecclesfieldinbloom.co.uk.
The "in bloom" grant application for
to put a seat in Ladycroft Meadow was successful. Material from
the application can be seen here.]
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