[These and previous minutes are
available as a web page on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com
Just click on "Minutes" for the minutes of the last meeting]
Minutes of the Conservation Group
AGM and meeting of 2011-01-17 (Monday)
19:30 in the Stocks
and letters in square brackets refer to
corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. This version of the
minutes was
last amended on 2011-01-21]
[a] Keith Fish chaired
the meeting.
[ ] Jim
Percival took
these minutes.
[b] 10 people attended the
meeting, 2 people
sent apologies, and 27 people currently
receive emailed agendas and minutes.
Things we are doing
[z] The next
meeting of the
Conservation Group will be on 2011-02-21 (Monday) at 19:30 in
Our insurance
has still to be renewed, probably at significantly increased cost.
[4] The
results of our November traffic survey were discussed. A copy had
been given to Councillor Vic Bowden, who wanted to know more, and the
issue had been raised at the recent PACT meeting. To aid this, we
decided to put a copy of the traffic survey results on our Web site [http://conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com/traffic].
LQ has also drafted a letter to the Council, which was signed by KF,
and will be followed up during the
year. Apparently a petition with 35 signatures, would prompt attention
of the Council. We did note the improvements to the road surface,
and signage being applied to roads from Middleton Road to "The Wheel",
but they were thought unlikely to reduce the amount of traffic passing
through the conservation area, which includes marked lorries belonging
to Morrisons, and ASDA, and unmarked ones belonging to Liddle [http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/roads/schemes/safety].
In addition, ID told us that he had written a letter to the Council on
his own behalf, and had referred to the Conservation Group's concern.
We discussed the heritage
for LadyCroft Meadow. SH and ID explained that the purpose of the board
was both to inform residents, and to guide visitors to Ecclesfield to
places of interest. Last year, this project failed to get achieve
sufficient votes for a "You Choose" grant, however, as discussed with
Councillor Alan Hooper, it may be
eligible for funding under the Ecclesfield Parish Council "Small Grants
Scheme". KF brought a leaflet on the scheme to the meeting, and said we
need to fill in an application form.
A more accurate costing was thought to be necessary before we could
apply for funding under the "Small Grants Scheme". The possibility of
Sheffield Homes "Your Choice" funding was also discussed, but the
general opinion was that this was less likely to be granted than Parish
Things we have done
[1] Our work done during the
year was reported on and discussed, including...
- The Ecclesfield Village Christmas Tree,
purchased with the help of funding from Ecclesfield Parish Council and
erected in the grounds of St.
Mary's Church. In spite of the awkward weather JH, managed to
obtain the tree 2 or 3 days before the village carol concert. The
concert itself had to be moved into St. Mary's church, but was well
attended in spite of any apparent lack of activity in the Church
grounds. The tree was removed last Saturday, but may still require some
work to remove the stump.
- Our (joint) entry for the
St. Mary's Church, Christmas Tree
Festival was mentioned.
- JH reminded us of the stone work we had completed during the year
around St. Mary's Church.
- RT reminded us of the
importance of the Conservation Group's, other functions, particularly
monitoring developments in the village. The article
in the Sheffield Star on the population increase expected for Sheffield
was pointed out as a reason for continuing to monitor such developments.
- Our continuing work
on Ladycroft was discussed.
still need to spread the remaining soil however, preferably before the
bulbs planted by ourselves and the Bloom Group come through .
[3] The following officers
volunteered, were proposed, seconded, and elected unanimously...
- Chair - Mr. Keith Fish,
- Treasurer - Mr Peter
- Secretary & Deputy Chair
- Mr Roger Tordoff,
- Minutes Secretary - Mr
James Percival (Jim).
- Other posts were discussed as possibilities for the future should
anybody want to take them on. Examples included Fund Raiser and various
Liaison jobs.
Resolutions Passed
Copies of the Minutes
the meeting of
2010-11-15 (as amended on 2010-12-02)
distributed, and approved as correct.
PB presented attendees with copies of the "Statement of Income and
Expenditure for the year ended 10 March 2010",
and for the period to Nov 2010, which we examined, and passed
unanimously. PB explained that they did not show the effect of
significant expected outgoings, including the insurance of perhaps
£125, but that we nevertheless had some £450 to spend.
[z] We resolved that all this
year's meetings will take place on the 3rd Monday of each month. I.e.
21st February, 21st Mar, 18th April, 16th May, 20th June, 18th July,
15th Aug, 19th Sept, 17th Oct, & 21st Nov.333
Also Discussed
[x] Pending planning
were discussed, but none appeared to be of concern. The conditional
granting of planning permission for the conversion of the Old
Methodist Chapel into flats was noted - see agenda for details.
[y] ID reminded us that
Marika Puglisi (marika.puglisi@sheffield.gov.uk.)
had mentioned a project recording and celebrating local
buildings and other features of
There followed a discussion about the pros and cons of extending listed
buildings protection to other buildings in the village.
[y] JH told us about the change
to road maintenance that will come about with the PFI initiative.
[y] The good work done over the
year by the Ecclesfield PACT, and the reduction in crime recently
reported by the Star was discussed. An email was received from MB, and
members echoed his concerns about the possible effect of budget cuts to
policing in Ecclesfield.
[ The next meeting of Ecclesfield
in Bloom is scheduled for 2011-02-01 (Tuesday) at 19:00
in the lounge bar of the Stocks as indicated on www.ecclesfieldinbloom.co.uk]
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