[These and previous minutes are
available as a web page on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com
Just click on "Minutes" for the minutes of the last meeting]
Minutes of the Conservation Group
meeting of 2011-09-19 (Monday)
19:30 in the Stocks
and letters in square brackets refer to
corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. This version of the
minutes was
last amended on 2011-09-25 and has not yet been approved]
For members attention
If anybody would like to attend the free "Interpretation Board Training
Session" on Tuesday 25 October 2011 between 1pm and 4pm in upstairs
function room at The Black Bull, then please let Peter Barker [E.g. ] know. ?
[a] Keith Fish chaired
the meeting in John Ellis's absence, and started by welcoming Councillor Vic Bowden and Colin Taylor.
[b] 10 people signed
into the meeting. 2 people sent apologies. In
all 32 people receive emailed agendas and minutes.
[c] The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted without amendment. Jim
Percival took
these minutes.
Things we are doing
[z] The next
meeting of the
Conservation Group will be on 2011-10-17 (Monday) at 19:30 in
[1] Our joint stand at Ecclesfield Gala
was discussed. Some people thought that we had not displayed enough
material, but others pointed out that visitors to the stand had
expressed interest in the group, and this year's sales of historical
books had gone well. Both Councillor Bowden and Councillor Taylor had seen the
stand and Council Taylor in particular thought that it was well produced. [The two, distinctive, red
gazebos must have helped - JP].
[2] ID said that he had
drafted a letter to the council regarding the loss of topping stones, but as far as he was aware, JE had not had a reply. JH said that he had noticed some time ago, that
the stones had become detached from the wall next to the flats on Yew
Lane, but at least at that time, they had not been stolen, so he did not know where the originals had
gone. The new stones were gradually weathering, and JP said that at
least the stones had remained seemed to be still attached.
[3] JP said that he had re-examined the planning application for the ALDI on the old Rollem site,
following the letter which Roger Tordoff had received from the Planning
Department, but he could not spot any material changes, apart from to
marks on one of the plans around the road access.
[4] The Northern Area
Community Assembly were aware of the results of the two traffic surveys
we did on Church Street. Councillor Bowden explained that in the
current financial climate, the full proposals for Wheel Lane had been
implemented, while Councillor Taylor agreed that some of the points we
had made regarding Church Street were valid, mentioning the unsuitable
nature of the road, and the speed of the traffic. Our results
also confirmed the results held by the City Council. ID said he had
logged some of the heavy goods vehicles down Church Lane and Councillor
Taylor thought that a log of a reasonable number of lorries, with their
type, the name, and perhaps even their registration numbers would be of
interest to the Council. It was agreed that ID and anybody else who
wanted to submit information could do so [I suggest they email ].
However, he warned us that budgets had been slashed, so we should not
expect additional expenditure. In the longer term however, it is
important to tell the Council where the problems are. There followed a
discussion of the very high costs of putting a pelican crossing across
Church Street; the shortage of funding and underspend on the original proposals for Church
Street and consequent high speed of the traffic.
[5] PB had printed out copies of the official letter offering us the grant for the Ecclesfield Interpretation Board,
and handed these out in the meeting. He explained that the project was
urgent because the grant had been given from this year's EPIP
budget, and the project was down to be completed by 24th February 2012.
There was some discussion of the desirability of asking for extension
to this date. Other requirements of the grant, and possible
opportunities were discussed including...
- A possible official opening [or unveiling] day.
- The need to contact other local groups (E.g. Ecclesfield Parish Council, & Parks Group).
- The need to print leaflets (perhaps 2,000 copies of a folded 3 panel sheet)
The need to ask pubs and other venues to allow us to put up dispensers
containing leaflets describing the board at various places around
the village.
ID Proposed, and Keith as chair congratulated Peter Barker on getting the grant offer.
[x] None of the planning applications
listed in the Agenda raised issues for anybody. RT had noticed that
Ecclesfield Dam was up for sale again, and JP said he had found an
advertisement for the auction which clearly stated that the land did
not have planning permission.
JP mentioned the Government's were consulting on proposed changes to the planning system [Click here for the Planning Policy Framework Consultation¬].
There was a discussion about what the changes would mean, for instance
to the current protections given to land in the Green Belt, but apart
from a drastic simplification, no one was able to point to any material
change of practice. JH suggested that members might like to consider
the organization "38 degrees", set up to protect woodlands [Click here for the 38 degrees petition¬].
The application was however still listed on the Council web site
"Pending", so JP was asked to write a further letter suggesting that
pedestrian access could be improved [see traffic problems below]. The
application was however still listed on the Council web site as
"Pending", so JP was asked to write a further letter suggesting that
pedestrian access could be improved [see traffic problems below].
[y] JH reminded Councillor Bowden that we were hoping for a grant for this year's Ecclesfield Christmas tree,
ready for the "sing song" on 4th December. If such a grant was not
going to be available, then we would need as much notice as possible,
otherwise, we are hoping that Roger Tordoff, as Secretary will receive
the offer letter, enabling us to go ahead with the tree as usual.
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