Minutes of the Ecclesfield Conservation Group meeting of 2012-09-24 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks

[ This document was last amended on 2012-10-14. If there are any comments or corrections, please Email JP on . Numbers in square brackets refer to items in the corresponding Agenda]


[a] Welcome: John Ellis (JE) chaired the meeting, and welcomed everybody to it.

[b] Apologies: 9 people attended including ID, JH, SP, MM, PB, JE, JP, CC, NB and Tegwen of EPIP. JP said that some people, including perhaps Councillor Vic Bowden may not have attended because he sent their emails rather late, and he did not manage to contact them by phone. RT, LQ, KF, and Mel and Joan Jones sent their apologies. A total of 33 people currently receive emailed agendas and minutes.


Ongoing matters, or "things still to be done"

[z] Next meeting. Monday October 15th, at 19:30 in "The Stocks".

[2] Heritage Boards: JE reported that Mel and Joan Jones could not be present, but had given him a progress report on the two heritage boards and leaflets they are designing for us. Tegwen described EPIP's record keeping requirements, and JE confirmed that he was keeping a log of all the contacts he was making in organising the boards.


PB warned of the delays that result from having to obtain pro-forma invoices, and have these paid by EPIP before work on manufacturing the boards could start. He also said that the provision of catering, for instance in the Church, would require a months notice. Tegwen added that if we wanted the event to be filmed, then Tim would need plenty of notice. JE agreed that this could not all be done by November. Tegwen said that as far as EPIP was concerned, this was not a problem, but they would need a letter from the group accounting for any delay past 31st October, and that the work itself should be finished by February next year.


The need for publicity for the unveiling was discussed. Tegwen reminded us that EPIP should be acknowledged in all references to the project. [Since the meeting, Tegwen emailed us a copy of EPIP's official form of acknowledgement, which is now included on http://conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com/heritage\acknowledgements].

    Several possible publicity outlets were mentioned, with more local ones, being thought easier to access. [The Parish Magazine has now agreed to publish a page on the unveiling, so I'll have to get something to them before their 24th Oct deadline, so that it can be published before the event itself-JP.]

    It was suggested that since we were hoping that we might be able to again use the facilities in St. Mary's Church, we should unveil the board opposite to Morrisons first, then the one at the Park entrance nearer to the Church. [The unveiling is now scheduled for Saturday, 1st December.]


[y] Christmas tree: Roger Tordoff had messaged to say that he had contacted the Parish Council, and they had agreed to let him know when a decision was taken following their next meeting.


[x] Working men's club: Concern was expressed about the possible development of the site of the old working men's club on Church Lane, and of the fishing pond behind it. [Any information about this could be helpful JP].


Completed matters or "things we have now done"

[c] Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted for publication. [A copy of these can now be found at... http://conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com/minutes/2012-08-20.minutes.html - JP]


[1] Treasurer: JE welcomed Margaret Myers (MM) as our new treasurer. JE had prepared a statement of finances for the period that he had been handling our bank account. This showed that we had a balance of around £600, which he said was not a large amount.

[3] Gala: The Ecclesfield Gala was well attended, and benefited from good weather. Our stand featured books by Mel and Joan Jones, which we were again able to sell at a profit. In addition, members and others had contributed a large number of quiz prizes, which was lucky, since we had many, extremely high scoring, question sheets returned, with many worthy winners. All the prizes were distributed either at the Gala, or in the two days following, and JE reported that the quiz added £45 to Conservation funds.


PB told us that the accounts we had heard of the Gala having difficulty in finding volunteers to carry on were real, and endangering its continuation [Click the link above, and then "volunteer to help" to enquire about this].


[x] Bradbury's: JP was asked to register our formal objection to the application for approval of materials for Bradbury's site. [Now done JP]

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