[This agenda was last updated on 2014-01-19 by JP]

[To see if members think it helps, I have bracketed items limited to the Conservation area with C> <C]

Agenda for the Conservation meeting of 2014-01-20

at 19:30 in “The Stocks”

A.    Chair: Mr Ian Deans will chair the meeting.

B.    Attendance and Apologies:

C.    Minutes: Acceptance or amendment to the minutes of the previous two meetings, prior to them being published on our web site [I will probably email the last minutes as usual, but print out copies of the one before that and bring them to the meeting - JP].


D.      Agenda Items

1)     C> Any comments on the Village Christmas tree and our joint Christmas tree festivals <C

2)     Amey’s Streetworks Contract, including …

a)     C> Response to concerns over the felling of the Sycamore on Stock's Hill / Yew Lane (ID) <C

b)     Need for detailed inventory of trees in Conservation Area (ID)

c)     Feedback on the road-show at the co-op 16th January 2014, and potential follow up (JP & ID)

3)     Update on proposed planter, on Church Street/Chapeltown Road (ID)

4)     Proposed response to HS2 consultation (ID). See below

5)     Do members wish to change the dates, venues and arrangements for future meetings? See below

6)     Do members wish to withdraw their “Registration of Interest” in Ecclesfield Library? See below



X.    Planning Applications – see planning applications to be emailed shortly.

Y.   Any communications, information, or other business that members may wish to bring up.

Z.   Confirmation of the date of the next meeting.

Communications, e.g. on  

Information watch

Alcohol Licences

No Ecclesfield applications found.

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